Hi, I am Udip Shrestha!

I am an ambitious Software Engineering student seeking an internship to apply technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and passion for coding in a dynamic team environment.



2 years experience


2 years experience


2 years experience


0.5 years experience


2 years experience


1 year experience


0.5 years experience


Personal Website

  • Designed and developed a personal website serving as an online portfolio and showcase of skills, projects, and interests using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.


  • Developed a console-based Mario game, replicating classic gameplay mechanics, including character movement, obstacle navigation, and level progression using C language.

Smart Camera Battery Management System

  • Developed a CameraBattery module implementing a smart management system which enables dual charging modes, adjustable charger settings, and calculates optimal charge and discharge rates using Java language and its concept of object oriented programming.

Three-Cushion Billiards Game Simulator

  • Modeled the game of three-cushion billiards by implementing conditional logics and state management to simulate player turns, scoring, and fouls using Java, emphasizing object-oriented programming and modular code development.


Udip is a very quick learner and quickly grasps key concepts of Web development. He got a great attitude & she is an excellent team player. He has a curious mind and asks the right question. He takes initiative within a team and has potentials to lead the team.
Working with Udip has been an awesome experience. He is highly knowledgable and always goes the extra step to make sure everything is right. For any future projects that need his expertise I would definitely want to work with him again.
I had worked along with Udip during the initial phase of our venture which needed Web development. He is a committed resource who has in depth knowledge about the domain. He will be an asset for any organisation!
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